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Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
Wildlife and landscape photographer, PhD student at Northern Arizona University


José Gabriel Martínez-Fonseca is a Nicaraguan biologist and wildlife photographer who has been working with amphibians, reptiles, and mammals for over 12 years. Fascinated by snakes long before he caught his first at the age of 11, he later co-authored a Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Nicaragua. He is currently a Ph.D. student at Northern Arizona University, where he studies habitat fragmentation in the Neotropics and enjoys photographing as many species of amphibians and reptiles as possible.


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More from Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 11 – Mesa Arch – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 20 – Parrot Snake – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 30 – Madrean Mountain Kingsnake – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 48 – Spotted Bat – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 66 – Sacuanjoche – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 84 – Sinaloan Mastiff Bat – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 102 – Red-eyed Treefrog – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 132 – Green Iguana – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca
OuiSi Nature: 147 – Spectacled Caiman – Jose G Martinez-Fonseca