Get to know OuiSi Nature
Welcome to the OuiSi Nature home! This is a space for learning how to play OuiSi games through video and online guides, as well as a launchpad for exploring the digital side of your OuiSi Nature set. Enjoy!
Visual Connections
Visual connections happen when different things share similar patterns, shapes, colors – really, anything you can imagine! It’s “this reminds me of that” in photo form, like the spiral of a lizard tail and a curled-up fern. There are no wrong answers at this stage, just some connections that will resonate with players more than others.
Learn the Games
Prefer to read the instructions on your phone? Click here to explore the Guidebook digitally.
QR Codes: On the back of each OuiSi Nature photo card you’ll find a QR code and a card number. Simply scan the QR code with your phone or tablet to go to the photo page. Alternatively, you can visit the Photo Cards page (or you can enter the card number in the search bar in the menu). You will then be guided to a page dedicated to the nature depicted on the photo card, and you’ll meet the photographer behind the lens of each picture.
How to play videos: Coming soon!